
Bourns, Inc.,  

is a leading manufacturer and supplier of position and speed sensors, circuit protection solutions, magnetic components, microelectronic modules, panel controls and resistive products. Headquartered in Riverside, California, USA, Bourns serves a broad range of markets, including automotive, industrial, consumer, communications, non-critical life support medical (low/medium risk), audio and various other market segments. Additional company and product information is available at

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SMD Power Inductors

Bourns® semi-shielded SMD power inductors offers reduced footprint and cost-savings as compared to non-shielded inductors.

Trimmer Potentiometers

Bourns® Trimpot® Trimming potentiometers allow circuit adjustments to be made in all types of electronic equipment.Bourns Trimmers offer the widest variety of configurations to give you flexibility in your design.

Current Sense SMD Resistors

Current sense resistors are recognized as cost-effective components that help improve system efficiency and reduce losses due to their high measurement accuracy compared to other technologies.

TVS Diodes

Functional integration and miniaturization is the key to success!To aid this miniaturization campaign, a new generation of Chip Diodes from Bourns has emerged that offers the capability to provide a silicon diode with minimal packaging overhead.

Resettable Fuses

Multifuse® PPTC: A resettable OCP (Over Current Protector) against fault currents to your designs.

Coupled Inductors

A coupled inductor is used to increase or maintain the input voltage at the output, occupies less board space as a single package, and is more cost effective than two individual inductors.

TVS Varistors

Bourns offers a comprehensive array of varistor technologies, form factors and ratings designed to match diverse voltage protection needs in almost any application.

Gas Discharge Tubes - GDT

Bourns® GDTs are used in primary and secondary applications and can withstand multiple applications of high surge current energy in excess of 25 KA.

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Seznam produktů od Bourns

Automatizace a Řízení Procesů

Baterie a Nabíječky

Napájení a Linková Ochrana

Nářadí a Vybavení pro Výrobu

Ochrana Obvodů

Pasivní Komponenty

Polovodiče - Diskrétní

Senzory a Převodníky

Spínače a Relé


Vývojové Desky, Zkušební Nástroje

Zobrazit všechny produkty (21 573)

Nové produkty od Bourns

Automatizace a Řízení Procesů

Ochrana Obvodů

Pasivní Komponenty

Senzory a Převodníky


Zobrazit všechny produkty (1 477)



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