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NI (National Instruments), a leading brand at the forefront of empowering innovation through advanced measurement and automation solutions. NI's comprehensive portfolio of products and software enables engineers, researchers, and scientists to push the boundaries of technology and bring their ideas to life.

NI offers a diverse range of cutting-edge solutions, primarily data acquisition systems, embedded control and monitoring devices, software such as LabVIEW, DIAdem, FlexLogger and much more. These powerful tools empower users to accelerate their development cycles, optimize performance, and achieve unprecedented levels of productivity.

By collaborating with Farnell, NI ensures that customers can easily access their state-of-the-art products and benefit from Farnell’s exceptional service and support. Farnell expertise complements NI's commitment to delivering reliable, high-performance solutions, making it easier for engineers and innovators to transform their concepts into reality.

Discover the extensive range of NI products available at Farnell and unleash the full potential of your projects. With NI's cutting-edge solutions and Farnell’s dedication to customer satisfaction, you can streamline your workflows, drive innovation, and achieve remarkable results in fields such as electronics, robotics, research, and beyond.

In October 2023, Emerson closed its acquisition of NI. The acquisition of NI advances Emerson’s position as a global automation leader.

NI will become a new reported segment within Emerson called Test & Measurement and will be consolidated into the Software and Control group. The Test & Measurement business will continue to be headquartered in Austin, Texas.

3 month subscription, exclusive from Farnell

NI’s software bundle for engineers in research, validation, and production

LabVIEW+ Suite is bundle of LabVIEW, TestStand, DIAdem, and more NI software that test professionals use to accomplish everything from their day-to-day work to overcoming their most challenging obstacles.

Utilize our one time introductory rate and receive a 3 month subscription of the professional version of LabVIEW+ Suite


Software solutions

LabVIEW offers graphical programming that helps you visualise every aspect of your application, including hardware configuration, measurement data and debugging.

LabVIEW+ Suite

LabVIEW+ Suite is a bundle of LabVIEW, TestStand, DIAdem, and more NI software that test professionals use to accomplish everything from their day-to-day work to overcoming their most challenging obstacles.


DIAdem is data management software for measurement data aggregation, inspection, analysis and reporting.


With FlexLogger, you can build flexible and scalable data-logging systems with NI data acquisition hardware and no programming.


Provides combinations of analog I/O and digital I/O in a single PXI module with a user-programmable FPGA for onboard signal processing and custom system timing and synchronization.

PXI Controllers

PXI Controllers provide a high-performance, compact embedded computer solution for PXI, CompactPCI, and PXI Express systems and come with standard features such as an integrated CPU, hard drive, and more.

PCIe Devices

The Multifunction I/O Devices feature I/O with varying channels, sample rates, output rates, and other feature to meet many common measurement requirements.

PXI Oscilloscopes & Bundles

PXI Oscilloscopes are flexible, software‐defined instruments that are versatile enough for both time‐ and frequency‐domain measurements and deliver the benefits of the PXI platform.

PXI Digital Multimeters & Bundles

PXI Digital Multimeters or DMMs feature AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current, 2- or 4-wire resistance, and frequency/period measurements, as well as diode tests.

CompactDAQ Chassis

CompactDAQ Chassis feature USB, Ethernet, or WiFi connectivity and come in multiple slots to create a mix of analog I/O, digital I/O, and counter/timer measurements.

CompactRIO Controllers

The CompactRIO Controller is a rugged embedded controller ideal for applications that need waveform acquisition, high-speed control or signal processing, and more.

C Series Input & Output Modules

Provides digital input and output capabilities for CompactDAQ or CompactRIO systems. The C Series Digital Module interacts with a range of industrial switches, transducers and devices.

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Seznam produktů od NI Emerson

Antistatická Ochrana, Bezpečnost Pracoviště a Produkty pro Čistou Místnost


Automatizace a Řízení Procesů

Bezdrátové Moduly a Adaptéry



Embedded Počítače, Výukové a Vývojové Desky

Kabely, Vodiče a Sestavy Kabelů

Kancelářské, Počítačové a Síťové Produkty


Krabičky, Racky a Skříně

Nářadí a Vybavení pro Výrobu

Pasivní Komponenty

Polovodiče - Diskrétní

Polovodiče - IO

Průmyslové SBC a Embedded Systémy

Senzory a Převodníky

Spínače a Relé

Testování a Měření

Vývojové Desky, Zkušební Nástroje

Zobrazit všechny produkty (13 102)

Nové produkty od NI Emerson

Testování a Měření

Zobrazit všechny produkty (2 139)



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