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was formed in 2016 to deliver new and innovative silicon, software and system level solutions for graphics control and HMI interfaces through its EVE range of graphics controller peripherals. These solutions are building new technologies enabling low power, low-cost MCUs/CPUs to access modern feature rich full colour displays.Offering a new perspective on display content creation with an object-oriented approach outputting image data line by line as opposed to frame grabbing and therefore reducing BOM costs for expensive video RAM. The EVE devices enable colour TFT displays to be introduced in markets where they were traditionally ignored on the basis of either complexity or cost.

Complimenting the graphics controller line is the FT9xx range of SuperBridge MCU targetted at offering versatile bridging between fast and distinct interfaces such as USB, Ehternet, SD CARD, UART, SPI, I2S, I2C and camera.

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Seznam produktů od Bridgetek

Automatizace a Řízení Procesů

Bezdrátové Moduly a Adaptéry

Embedded Počítače, Výukové a Vývojové Desky

Jednodeskové Počítače, Maker a Výuka

Kabely, Vodiče a Sestavy Kabelů

Optoelektronika & Displeje

Polovodiče - IO

Raspberry Pi

Vývojové Desky, Zkušební Nástroje

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Nové produkty od Bridgetek

Automatizace a Řízení Procesů

Polovodiče - IO

Vývojové Desky, Zkušební Nástroje

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