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Bulgin Limited 

is widely recognised as a leading manufacturer of environmentally sealed connectors and components. With over 95 years of experience in the industry, Bulgin continues to innovate and develop products and services to cater to its global customer base across a variety of markets. In 2016, Bulgin announced the strategic incorporation of sister company Arcolectric into its business offering. Read More

New Products
4000 Series Simplex LC Fiber

The smallest rugged Optical Connector - Suitable for Outdoor Broadcast, FTTX, Server Room Engineering, Civil Engineering, Marine, Aviation and Rail applications.

6000 Series Duplex LC Fiber

Built to withstand the harshest of environments. Rated IP66, IP68 and IP69K when mated, these connectors also feature a secure yet easy-to-operate 30 degree locking mechanism.

Photoelectric Sensors

The Photoelectric Automation Sensor range is a diffuse reflective sensor with a simple, secure and efficient design, which can be used to detect objects up to 40mm away.

M12 Series

Cost-effective and flexible connectivity solution - decreasing downtime in Process Control, Manufacturing Automation and Industrial Instrumentation applications.

Best Sellers
EXPlora Series Buccaneer

Explosion proof variation of the 900 Series - Suitable for ATEX Zone 2 (Gas) and 22 (Dust) applications.

900 Series Buccaneer

Most high-powered Circular Connector in the Buccaneer range - Applications require dust and waterproof connections.

Standard Series Buccaneer

Environmentally sealed Power Connectors - Setting the gold standard for Dust and Waterproof Circular Connectors.

Mini Series Buccaneer

Reliable power up to 250V, 10A. With secure, Screw Thread Locking and rated to IP68.

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Seznam produktů od Bulgin Limited


Automatizace a Řízení Procesů

Baterie a Nabíječky


Kabely, Vodiče a Sestavy Kabelů


Krabičky, Racky a Skříně

Nářadí a Vybavení pro Výrobu

Ochrana Obvodů

Optoelektronika & Displeje

Pasivní Komponenty

Senzory a Převodníky

Spínače a Relé

Testování a Měření

Úchyty a Mechanické

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Nové produkty od Bulgin Limited

Kabely, Vodiče a Sestavy Kabelů


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