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delivers a complete portfolio of DOWSIL(tm) and SYLGARD(tm) silicone-based technology and other high-performance materials for electronics applications. For more than 70 years, Dow has been offering proven, innovative solutions for assembly, bonding, sealing, potting, thermal management, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and many other challenging uses across the industry’s supply chain. Read more

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DOWSIL™ EA-3838 Fast Adhesiv

A two-part, fast room temperature cure adhesive offering tunable reactivity, better and faster robust primerless adhesion to plastics, metals, glass and many more materials.

DOWSIL™ CC-8030 UV and Dual Moisture Cure Conformal Coating

One-part, translucent, medium viscosity, UV and moisture dual curable coating. Designed for automated spray processing for high volume production, DOWSIL™ CC-8030 UV and Moisture Dual Cure Conformal Coating reduces work-in-progress.

DOWSIL™ EI -2888 Primerless Silicone

Suitable for encapsulating rigid and flexible circuit boards for indoor and outdoor LED Lighting, explosion proof and high ingress protection rated luminaire as well as outdoor displays applications and for space grade applications. Room temperature curing with optional heat acceleration.

DOWSIL™ TC-4515 Thermally Conductive Gap Fille

A high performance, one-part non-curable, dispensable, thermally conductive gap filler with 5 W/mK thermal conductivity developed to conduct heat from electronics to a heat sink.

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