Maker Gear


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O spolecnosti Maker Gear

MakerGear printers are designed, engineered, manufactured, and inspected according to standards that ensure optimal performance for professionals and innovators - from designers, engineers, and architects to teachers and business owners, as well as hobbyists and DIY enthusiasts - in dozens of industrial applications.

With industrial-grade precision and reliability in a machine compact enough to sit on your desk, MakerGear 3D printers are built for prototyping and production of end-use parts. With material capabilities ranging from ABS and nylon to polycarbonate and polypropylene, MakerGear's open material compatibility offers top-grade performance at a significantly lower cost-per-part.

Our factory is located in Beachwood, Ohio, where all of our machines are built and individually tested before shipping. Many of our components are manufactured within 25 miles of the factory including the fabricated steel frame and steel parts, machined cast aluminium alignment components, extruder parts and the wiring harness.

Featured Products

MakerGear M3-SE
MakerGear M3-SE

The MakerGear M3-SE features a rock solid construction with precison-machined components to provide superior rigidity, stability, and performance. The M3-SE delivers outstanding print quality and dimensional accuracy with a variety of print materials including ABS, HIPS, Nylon, PET-G, PLA, Polycarbonate, PVA and flexible materials.

MakerGear M3-ID
MakerGear M3-ID

Featuring the same rigid construction, print quality, and connectivity as the M3-SE, the MakerGear M3 Independent Dual (M3-ID) is independent by design, enabling you to print more reliably in a shorter amount of time. While one extruder is busy printing, the other is parked to the side and will not interfere with your print.

2450 Source Measure Unit
MakerGear Accessories and Replacement Parts

Featuring a comprehensive range a replacement parts required to maintain your MakerGear 3D printer including replacement nozzles, hot end kits, fans, filament drive and more.

Seznam produktů od Makergear

Nářadí a Vybavení pro Výrobu

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