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Power Integrations, 

Inc., is a leading innovator in semiconductor technologies for high-voltage power conversion. Their products are key building blocks in the clean-power ecosystem, enabling the generation of renewable energy as well as the efficient transmission and consumption of power in a vast range of applications, including appliances, mobile devices, computers, and countless industrial applications. Energy-saving technologies such as our PowiGaN™ gallium-nitride (GaN) technology and our EcoSmart™ energy-efficiency technology prevent billions of kilowatt-hours of energy waste each year, while our highly integrated chips save billions of electronic components each year.

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Seznam produktů od Power Integrations

Komponenty LED Osvětlení

Napájení a Linková Ochrana

Polovodiče - Diskrétní

Polovodiče - IO

Vývojové Desky, Zkušební Nástroje

Zobrazit všechny produkty (1 322)



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