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Renesas Electronics  

is on a mission to create a safer, healthier, greener, and smarter world by driving innovation in four key growth sectors: Automotive, Industrial, Infrastructure, and IoT. With products embedded in nearly every aspect of daily life, its cutting-edge semiconductor solutions play a vital role in shaping the future.

The company delivers an extensive range of semiconductor products, from sensors to actuators, covering the entire signal chain. This broad portfolio empowers customers to design complete embedded systems with ease.

Renesas’ "Winning Combinations" integrate Analog, Power, Embedded Processing, and Connectivity solutions to accelerate design and reduce time-to-market. These powerful combinations provide customers with a competitive edge in delivering innovative products.A wide ecosystem of software, development boards, simulation tools, and more is available, with certified partners offering expert support throughout every design stage. This ensures customers can achieve their goals and explore new business opportunities.

Renesas is committed to empowering customers and partners worldwide to succeed in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Seznam produktů od Renesas

Bezdrátové Moduly a Adaptéry

Embedded Počítače, Výukové a Vývojové Desky

Jednodeskové Počítače, Maker a Výuka

Komponenty LED Osvětlení

Krystaly a Oscilátory

Nářadí a Vybavení pro Výrobu

Optoelektronika & Displeje

Polovodiče - Diskrétní

Polovodiče - IO

Senzory a Převodníky

Vývojové Desky, Zkušební Nástroje

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Nové produkty od Renesas

Embedded Počítače, Výukové a Vývojové Desky

Polovodiče - Diskrétní

Polovodiče - IO

Vývojové Desky, Zkušební Nástroje

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