The same reliable people. The same reliable solutions. Now an Eaton brand  logo

The same reliable people. The same reliable solutions. Now an Eaton brand  

Souriau-Sunbank by Eaton is a world leader in the harsh environment interconnect solutions market with a strong culture of operational excellence. We are a global designer, manufacturer and supplier of high-performance and high-reliability interconnect products including connectors, backshells, conduits, contacts and custom interconnect solutions for a variety of markets including heavy industry, mining, off-road, marine, outdoor lighting, transportation, aerospace and defense applications.

Best sellers
UTS Series

Plastic circular IP68/69K connector

SMS Series

Quick mating Plastic Rectangular connector

UTO Series

Metal circular IP68/69K connector

851 Series

MIL-DTL-26482 qualified ruggedized connector

New Products
Trim Trio Series

Industrial Interconnect Solution

JMX Series

Plastic Push-pull connector for medical applications

UTL Series

Push-pull Power and Control Supply Connector

8D Series

D38999 / EN3645 qualified circular connector

JBX Series

Metal push-pull connector

UTG Series

Robust metal & plastic circular connector

Clipper Series

Cost-effective robust plastic connector

Tools & accessories

Crimping tools, sealing caps, cable clamps and more

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Seznam produktů od Souriau Sunbank Eaton

Kabely, Vodiče a Sestavy Kabelů


Nářadí a Vybavení pro Výrobu

Úchyty a Mechanické

Zobrazit všechny produkty (53 506)

Nové produkty od Souriau Sunbank Eaton


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Tools and Resources


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