

Get your soldering job done faster with Weller WE1010

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O spolecnosti Weller

Weller® was established in 1945 and rapidly became the market leader in hand soldering, offering a range of innovative solutions for industry professionals. Over the years the Weller® portfolio has grown beyond hand soldering to include fume extraction, precision tools, electric screwdrivers, automatic solutions and many more bench top products and services. The Weller® name remains synonymous with forward-looking solutions.

With an unparalleled understanding of customer application needs and a worldwide distributor network Weller® provides a global resource supported by local expertise to ensure a consistent and high quality customer experience. Weller’s company values, built on application support, engineering expertise, extensive manufacturing capabilities, global footprint and focus on the OEM Electronics Manufacturer, deliver the competitive edge to every customer.

Weller® is headquartered in Germany with production facilities in Europe, the US and Latin America. Weller Tools GmbH has been part of the Apex Tool Group since 2010. With head office in Sparks, Maryland, Apex Tool Group is one of the world's biggest manufacturers of industrial hand and power tools, drill chucks, chains and electrical soldering products with over 8.000 employees and annual turnover of USD 1.6 billion.

Featured Categories

Soldering Stations

Soldering Stations

Rework Stations

Rework Stations

Hot Air Stations

Hot Air Stations

Soldering Irons

Soldering Irons

Weller® Filtration Solutions

Weller® Filtration Solutions

Erem® Cutters & Pliers

Erem® Cutters & Pliers

Erem® Tweezers

Erem® Tweezers

Soldering Tips & Solder Wire

Soldering Tips & Solder Wire

Seznam produktů od Weller

Antistatická Ochrana, Bezpečnost Pracoviště a Produkty pro Čistou Místnost

Chemikálie a Lepidla

Nářadí a Vybavení pro Výrobu

Senzory a Převodníky

Zobrazit všechny produkty (1 173)

Nové produkty od Weller

Nářadí a Vybavení pro Výrobu

Zobrazit všechny produkty (27)


Weller WT 1 / WT 1H / WTP 90_english

WTP90/WXP90 - Hot tip exchange during working process

Dry and wet cleaning WSR safety rest with 180° rotation

Weller WXR 3 Rework Station

Weller - Why fume extraction?

Weller How to use a Soldering Tip Activator - Application Video

Weller How to use a Dry Cleaner - Application Video

Weller WXD 2 2-Channel Soldering & Desoldering Station_en

Weller 3 heating technologies

New Weller WX 2 Soldering Station_english

Automatic solder feeder by Weller


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