Sierra Wireless
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Sierra Wireless is building the Internet of Things with intelligent wireless solutions that empower organizations to innovate in the connected world. Sierra Wireless is a multinational wireless equipment hardware designer with a 20+ year history of innovation. Offering embedded wireless modules and an M2M connectivity and cloud platform. With more than 550 unique patents in a vast array of wireless product, Sierra Wireless looks to enable the connected world with intelligent wireless solutions so their customers can innovate.

Featured Products

3M Connectors
AirPrime® HL Series Wireless IoT Modules

The HL Series offers unprecedented scalability between 2G, 3G, and 4G networks and is pin-to-pin compatible with the next-gen WP Series. If compact size, long life cycle, and supporting multiple product lines with a single platform is important, then the HL Series is for you.

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3M Tapes & Adhesives
AirPrime® WP Series Wireless IoT Modules

More than a cellular modem, the next-gen WP Series provides a secure device-to-cloud architecture enabling IoT developers to build a Linux-based product on a single module – reducing overall system complexity and time-to-market.

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AirPrime® EM/MC Series LTE Advanced Modules

The EM & MC Series offer unprecedented LTE speeds, bandwidth, and network performance on PCI Express Mini Card (MC Series) and M.2 (EM Series) form factors commonly used in networking equipment.

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Seznam produktů od Sierra Wireless

Bezdrátové Moduly a Adaptéry

Embedded Počítače, Výukové a Vývojové Desky

Zobrazit všechny produkty (21)


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