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O spolecnosti OMRON

OMRON, the world’s largest supplier in advanced industrial automation solutions offers a broad and flexible product range with cutting-edge technologies. Omron is a leader in electromechanical components manufacturing such as PCB relays, microswitches, MOSFET relays, DIP switches, photomicrosensors and connectors. Omron has a strong portfolio of innovative technologies including MEMS based pressure, flow and thermal measurement sensors, human face recognition modules, vibration and tilt sensors. These components and solutions are deployed across various industries including transportation, medical, HVAC, home appliance, industrial automation, consumer electronics, test and measurement, gaming markets and various other IOT Applications. Omron products have significantly dominated the market due to their reliability, efficiency and seamless adoption in industries. Automation products like Power Supplies, Temperature Controllers, Proximity Sensors, Timer and Encoders by Omron are recognized under the popular ones as they reduce the downtime in production, ensuring the highest quality.

In addition to these, Omron also delivers Laser Sensors, Displays, Photoelectric Switches and Sensors, which are proved as key-drivers in the manufacturing sector. Omron’s products are widely recognized in the global market as they easily integrate with the evolving changes in technology space, and thereby strengthen smart manufacturing. The end-to-end solutions contribute to strike the right-balance between production and deployment time.

Seznam produktů od Omron

Automatizace a Řízení Procesů


Chlazení a Řízení Teploty

Kancelářské, Počítačové a Síťové Produkty


Napájení a Linková Ochrana

Nářadí a Vybavení pro Výrobu

Senzory a Převodníky

Spínače a Relé

Zobrazit všechny produkty (573)




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